Pull out the old wire while pulling the new wire on through. Learn how to repair a trailer wiring harness that was damaged when borrowed by someone who did not connect the wiring to their vehicle.
Next pull the new harness through the frame Photo 2.
How to fix trailer wiring. Clean the plug and socket with a special cleaner. If after you check the tow vehicle for problems the trailer lights still appear dim or arent lighting at all clean the connector plug. Spray the connector with an electrical contact cleaner and use a fine wire brush to clean the contact pins.
Selecting a Tow Hitch. Learn how to repair a trailer wiring harness that was damaged when borrowed by someone who did not connect the wiring to their vehicle. This is a very simple.
Remove the old trailer lamps and running lights by unbolting the hardware attaching them to the frame. Then cut the wires connected to the lights. Unclip the wiring from the trailer frame working your way from the back of the trailer to the front.
Once unclipped pull the wiring out at the front of the trailer near the tongue. It can be frustrating when your wiring isnt working especially when you are not sure where to begin troubleshooting. Our guidelines will help you narrow down and repair the most common causes of issues during 4 and 5-Way wiring installations.
Use the outlined testing methods to determine whether the issue is on the trailer or the vehicle side so you can more easily pinpoint trouble areas. For fifth wheel owners. Remove the four screws that secure the trailer cord socket to your truck bed.
Gently pull the socket and cord out just far enough to comfortably do your repair. And if your truck doesnt have a trailer cord socket in the bed now is the time to add one so the cord doesnt drape over the tailgate. Disconnect the trailer from the vehicle and run a test to determine if the trailer lights function properly.
Wire the vehicle side wiring harness to a standalone battery. All you have to do is link up the white wire to the negative and the colored wires to the positive. If the trailer lights function with such a setup it is clear the issue is with the tow vehicle.
If the trailer plug wiring on your vehicle or trailer is damaged or not working correctly you can replace the connector with a CURT splice-in plug or socket. Plugs trailer side and sockets vehicle side are available in all standard formats and can be spliced into your existing tow wiring. In the Trailer Wiring Diagram and Connector Application Chart below use the first 5 pins and ignore the rest.
If your truck has a built-in 7-pin socket but you only need 5 of the pins. Use the 7-pin connector anyway see below and just leave out the last 2 wires. So to make a long-lasting repair on exposed wiring follow these three steps.
Crimp the exposed wires using an uninsulated butt connector. Solder the connection to ensure strength and conductivity. Use waterproof adhesive-lined shrink tubing at least one-half inch past each end of the connection to prevent water intrusion.
Attach the Ground Wire to the Trailer The white wire must be attached to the trailer in order to ground and power the lights. Cut the white wire short enough for attachment to the front of the trailer near the connector plug. One to two feet is good.
Learn how to troubleshoot fix or repair trailer wiring issues or problems. This video will show you how to diagnose and troubleshoot common issues what your trailer lights arent working correctly. Want to master Microsoft Excel and take your work-from-home job prospects to the next level.
To troubleshoot your trailer wiring connect a jumper wire to the connector pins and the continuity tester to the systems sockets. A continuity test helps you see if there are any broken wires. Select a color of wire in the socket and find the same one on the connector front.
Securing your trailer wiring with a Scotch lock. If you used a Scotch lock to secure your trailer wiring splices youre ready to lock it in place. Be sure both your factory and trailer wiring wires are still where you want them then fold the top of the Scotch lock over and press it tightly together with pliers.
Having the ground wire connect to metal that is corroded or covered with excessive undercoating will prevent a proper metal-to-metal connection. Next move on the the connector on the trailer itself. Follow the ground wire and locate the point where it attaches to the trailer frame which is usually on the trailer tongue.
Stick electrical tape over the exposed wire and wrap it around once. Peel up the end of the tape from a roll of electrical tape and center it over the area of the cable with the exposed wire. Press it down on top of the exposed section and wrap it tightly around the damaged area 1 full revolution.
Disconnect the old trailer harness wires at each light and attach masons line. Then pull each line back toward the trailer tongue. Connect this fishing line to the new harness and loom Photo 1.
Next pull the new harness through the frame Photo 2. If it is dirty corroded or faulty in another manner clean it and reconnect it. Use one of the connectors provided in the kit to hook up the new and old wire.
Pull out the old wire while pulling the new wire on through. The next step is to connect the new lights. Remove the front cover to attach the wires.