Do not touch hot plastic in bare hands. Now that youve reached this far into this guide then you should be ready to fix any broken cracked or split lawn mower gas tank.
Get a plastic patch that has a material similar to the one of your gas tank and cut it so that it is slightly bigger than the leak or crack you are repairing.
How to repair a plastic gas tank. Plastic fuel tank is made from HDPE plastic High-density polyethylene Most PE plastic grades have excellent chemical resistance meaning they are not attacked by strong acids or strong bases and are resistant to gentle oxidants and reducing agents. That is why PE plastic is very hart to fix by glues. You can use special kind of 2 component epoxy glue.
Get a plastic patch that has a material similar to the one of your gas tank and cut it so that it is slightly bigger than the leak or crack you are repairing. Warm up the electric soldering gun before dragging it around the holes edges to make a trench. Plastic Repairs Gas Tank Example.
My lawnmower had an issue where my gas tank was rubbed enough to produce a hole on the side. Faced with the aspect of replacing it for 200 I decided to repair it instead for a few penniesI do repairs on plastic items for medial devices and othe. Some tips on plastic gas tank repair in this article will come in handy for a scratch or a dent that is deep enough to create a hole in the gas tank of your vehicle.
Plastic gas tanks are the most widely used fuel tanks today for a number of vehicles as they are convenient in many ways. Cut a few pieces of plastic for the fuel tank using wire cutters. How big the damaged area is will determine on how many pieces of plastic you will need.
For a small hole cut out about two pieces about 1-inch long and wide. Lay the pieces of plastic on a metal surface. Use a heat gun to heat the plastics until they are transparent and tacky.
A plastic gas tank can weigh less than half of a comparable metal gas tank and it is easy to mold into shapes to fit odd configurations. Seamless gas tanks seldom leak and are impervious to the rust and corrosion that affect metal tanks. If a plastic fuel tank does sustain small holes or tears there are several fairly easy ways to make the repair.
You cannot repair a damaged polypropylene gas tank with epoxy or a plastic tank repair kit because gasoline will quickly dissolve the epoxy and the leak will reappear. Polypropylene is a thermoplastic which means that you can use heat to melt the plastic and create a permanent repair in the polypropylene gas tank. PLASTIC TANK REPAIR KIT THIS PRODUCT IS NOT FOR USE ON PLASTIC FUEL TANKSThe repair resin is designed to harden within 8 10 minutes and cures in 30 minutes.
Read all directions before beginning repair. Repairs can be made ideally at temperatures from 50F to 75F 10C to 25CRepairs made at lower temperatures will take longer to cure. Heat the gas tank slowly otherwise it will burn or be damaged.
Use a plastic built patch element when repairing a plastic gas tank. Test the plastic piece before fixing it with the tank. Because every plastic has a different melting temperature.
Do not touch hot plastic in bare hands. Vacant the gas tank before fixing it. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT FOR USE ON PLASTIC FUEL TANKS.
The repair resin is designed to begin to harden within 8 10 minutes and cures in 30 minutes. Read all directions before beginning repair. Repairs can be made ideally at temperatures from 50F to 75F 10C to 25C.
Repairs made at lower temperatures will take longer to cure. Gas tank leak repairs in your fuel tank can prove to be a difficult job especially if there is still fuel in the tank. No need for alarm as we have a temporary solution to offer for your fuel tank repair.
The best solution is for you to put in a new fuel tank but this solution is not always possible when you need the car. A black plastic gas tank on a lawn mower is made of polyethylene. This plastic resists the chemicals in gasoline.
Black plastic gas tanks are found on a variety of lawn mowers by all makes and manufacturers. Although tough and resilient through accidents or abuse they can crack split break or spring a leak. Repairing a fuel tank can get difficult especially when the it is full of fuel.
Not to worry there is a temporary solution to your fuel drip problem. While the real solution is to replace the fuel tank that is not always feasible in the short term. Fix the Plastic Gas Tank on Lawn Mower Now.
Now that youve reached this far into this guide then you should be ready to fix any broken cracked or split lawn mower gas tank. If you follow each step and recommendation to the letter then you should do it seamlessly and quickly. So dont hesitate and start fixing that gas tank now.
You cannot repair a damaged polypropylene gas tank with epoxy or a plastic tank repair kit because gasoline will quickly dissolve the epoxy and the leak will reappear. Polypropylene is a thermoplastic which means that you can use heat to melt the plastic and create a permanent repair in the polypropylene gas tank.