After confirming a Crankshaft Camshaft Position Sensor related trouble code its worth doing some simple tests. A circuit diagram is required for the pin assignment.
2Disconnect the ignition coil from its electrical connector.
How to test camshaft position sensor. How To Test Crankshaft And Camshaft Position Sensors. Testing A Two-Wire SensorIn the two wire system the magnetic type you need to do the resistance test first. Testing A Three-Wire Sensor.
Simple tests of a Hall Effect Type Camshaft Position Sensor using a MultiMeter. If your car computer has already triggered the engine light you may retrieve the code DTC using a code reader. If you dont own a code reader most auto parts stores will retrieve DTCs for free.
After confirming a Crankshaft Camshaft Position Sensor related trouble code its worth doing some simple tests. These are the test steps. 1Place your multimeter in Volts DC mode.
2Disconnect the ignition coil from its electrical connector. This is an important safety precaution. 3With the red multimeter test lead probe the tan with yellow stripe TANYEL wire of the cam sensor.
These are the test steps. 1Place your multimeter in Volts DC mode. 2Disconnect the ignition coil from its electrical connector.
This is an important safety precaution. 3With the red multimeter test lead probe the tan with yellow stripe TANYEL wire of the cam sensor. 1 cylinder at 10ATDC then matchmark the CMP sensor terminal connector position with the engine assembly.
Remove the camshaft position sensor retaining screws and sensor. Remove the retaining bolt and hold-down clamp. The oil pump intermediate shaft should be removed with the camshaft sensor housing.
The camshaft position sensor in your car or light truck operates on the principle of magnetic induction. Unplug the electrical connector from the end of the sensor and remove the sensor. Consult your service manual for the exact procedures specific to your car as they vary from car to car.
Aslo a resistance test of the cam sensor will get you no-where since the camshaft position sensor is a Hall Effect type sensor that can not be Ohm-ed resistance tested with a multimeter. Im gonna show you a way to do it with just a multimeter in Volts DC mode that is so accurate that youll be able to say Yes the camshaft position sensor is bad or No the camshaft position sensor is OK. How to Test Cam Sensors With an Ohm Meter Step 1.
Move your vehicle to a well-lit area. Turn it off and wait several hours for the engine to cool off. Consult your owners manual to determine the location of your camshafts and sensors.
Set your meter to. As you may expect the specific location of the camshaft position sensor varies by a vehicles make and model. On most models you can find the sensor somewhere around the cylinder head.
Look around the top section of the timing beltchain cover in the front of the engine or at the rear end of the cylinder head. If your engine uses a camshaft position CMP sensor you can also see a related code. So it is important to troubleshoot the CKP when you suspect CKP problems to make sure the problem is with the sensor the circuit or one of the components in the system it works with.
The next sections will help you test your CKP sensor using only a digital multimeter DMM whether your engine uses an inductive or Hall effect type sensor. How To Test The Camshaft Position Sensor 33L V6 Frontier Quest Pathfinder Xterra The camshaft position sensor is inside the distributor on your 33L V6 Nissan Frontier Pathfinder and Xterra. It produces two position signals and both can be easily tested with an LED light you dont need any expensive test equipment.
Check the connection line from the control unit to the sensor using the ohmmeter. Remove the connector from the control unit and remove the sensor check the individual cables for continuity. A circuit diagram is required for the pin assignment.
Check Engine Light comes on. The Check Engine Light will come on once the camshaft position sensor starts to go bad. Since this light can come on for many different reasons it is best to have the vehicle thoroughly inspected by a professional.
The check engine indicator is on. As soon as the camshaft position sensor has certain faults then the light of this indicator will come on. However here you should note that this indicator can also light up for other reasons.
Thats why a professional should scan your vehicle and detect what the particular fault is. Put a little bit of fresh engine oil around your new 73 cam position sensor and simply put it back into the CPS socket. This may take a little wiggling this time so be patient and go slowly.
But youll feel the o-ring bump in and then its seated.